





今までは、年末になると、ちょうどロボカップの京都大会が迫ってくる時期でもあり、そのためのロボットをせっせと作り上げていたことを思い出します。それが今年初めてなくなり、今まで自分がやってきたことを振り返るチャンスが与えられたのではないかと考えています。2010年に「経験のため」に出場したロボカップから始まり12大会 (RCJ2010~2015とWRO2010~2015)を経験しましたが、本当に山あり谷ありの6年間でした(ひとつひとつの大会の感想とかを書きたいですが、それはこの投稿では書ききれないので総括だけにします笑)。忙しかったけど本当に楽しかった6年間だったのは確かです。学校が高専や工業高校でないこともあり、何度も友達や知り合いに「何が楽しいの?」と聞かれることが多々ありました。僕的に答えると、やはりロボットの面白さは、自分が魂を込めて作ったものが自分が思っていた通りに動き、やりたいタスクをこなせたときの気持ちが他では感じることのできないものすごく達成感のあるものだからです。失敗すれば失敗するほど、苦しめば苦しむほど成功した時の嬉しさは増すばかりです。今思うとずっとそのような大会ばかりでした。小学校6年生のときからこの前の世界大会まで楽に終わった大会は一つもありません。その時その時、経験したことない試練があり、それを乗り越えて成功した時もあれば、それを乗り越えられずに悔しい思いで終わったこともあります。WROやRCJは特に活躍したらプロがあるようなものでもなければ、それが直接何かの役に立つわけでもありません。そういう大会だからこそ多くの人が趣味として、一回きりのアクティビティーとして出場しているのも確かです。ですが、僕は常に「本気」で向き合ってきました。自分のやっている何よりも時間をつぎ込み何よりも努力してきたことを確実に言えます。その分、同大会に出場している多くのチームよりも苦しい思いや嫌な思いも経験しました。時には練習では絶対成功していたものが本番で失敗したり、世界大会帰国後すぐに地区大会があったり、期限までに自分の納得するものが完成しなかったり。たぶんロボットやってる9割以上の時は苦しんでいると思います笑。でも、だからこそ、自分が思っている以上に上を目指すことができて、自分のなかで確かな「結果」を手にいれることができました。ロボットの技術や知識だけでなく、大会を経て得られる独特な経験や国境を越えての友達や人間関係を築くことができました。国内外多くの場所で色々な経験をしたことで得た純粋「思い出」もまた生涯すごい価値のあるものだと思います。そんなロボット人生だったからこそ、何よりも楽しく、終わった今、自分の軌跡に満足できて全てが最高だったと自信を持って言えます。



More than a month has passed from the WRO2015 finals. The memories and emotions within me seem to be fading away day by day. Yet, when I think about it, all of it flashes back at me as if it just happened at this moment.

On that day, on the finals, the first thing that I tried with my robot was the revised version of my program, which I edited the night before in my hotel room. But because an unfixable error was detected during the test, it forced me to use the program that I used the day before in the preliminary rounds. Although this program was incomplete, by adjusting multiple variables our team was at the situation that we could get full points. On the first run, our robot worked as expected, and got full points. The time for completion 66 seconds. Compared to the fastest team on the preliminary rounds, it was more than 15 seconds faster. We completely nailed it. There was no doubt in me that we were gonna win the competition. Even back at our hotel, we(as in my partner, coach, and I) were repetitively saying “If we get max points, we will win for sure”, which only boosted my confidence. To be honest, there wasn’t a time before this that I was so certain about winning a competition(even at regionals..). However, I was proven wrong in just 30 minutes. On the second run before mine, I went to measure the time for the “Taiwanese team with a fast” which was a rumour among the participants. When I looked at my stopwatch, it displayed 65.6 seconds. “No way.. That can’t be,” I couldn’t believe it myself too. After that, everything felt like an instant. When the competition finished, I realised I ended up as second place, officially with only a 0.5 second difference. 

After the competition, I was asked multiple times, why I was disappointed at my result. My true emotion right after the competition was a mixture of being both satisfied and unsatisfied. Obviously, the fact that I got second place was something disappointing. But moreover, the disappointment came from what happened, than the result. I was so close to winning, and believed for sure that I will achieve it. But all of a sudden, it was taken away and couldn’t do anything about it. That feeling was so strong, that it had overridden my satisfaction. 

On the other hand, as time progresses, I am more certain that I have to move on from this, and accept that it was something inevitable. It disagrees with my emotions, but when looking at this event from a bigger perspective, I believe it will benefit me in one way or another in the near future. It kind of relates to what happened back in 7th grade, when I lost two consecutive regional competitions. Back then, it was a terrible experience, but now I know it was a major stepping stone for me. My experience in Qatar would do the same I guess. As my coach always said, the important thing is what you learn out of your experience and how you apply it to your future. 

I have countless thoughts and comments on this competition, but as I said in my previous post, I began thinking specifically on what I am going to do from now on(if I’m going to stop my robotics or not). The straight forward answer for this is that I will retire from participating in both WRO and RCJ as a competitor. However, it is completely different from ending my connection with the robotics community and this area of study. In fact, as I move on to my university, I want to strongly engage in this field, robotic engineering. And as ambitions as it might seem, I want to make some kind of contribution to the world and the people with what it. To achieve this, I’m pretty sure, my first step is to proceed to a university that will let me study and research what I want to, which can only be achieved by putting effort into my school studies; and not another participation in WRO/RCJ. 

For the past so many years, I would have been working on my RCJ robot this time of the year. With that not happening currently, I’m taking it as sort of it like an opportunity to reflect back on what I did for the past 6 years. Robotics started off as a one time activity in 2010, not knowing it would continue for another 11 competitions. Although it was an incredibly tough 6 years for me, it was also the most enjoyable 6 years as well. Often I get asked why I am so into it(maybe because it is such an uncommon thing). From my perspective, the “fun” in robotics lies in the satisfaction you get, when you finally create your robot after months, and it works the way you want it to. The more it fails, the more you suffer perfecting it, the better it is when it succeeds. And to be honest, there wasn’t a competition that was straight off easy from the beginning in 2010 to the end. In terms of WRO and RCJ, there isn’t anything like a pro-league. Even the tasks in these competitions are just that, tasks. There isn’t any guarantee that the it will benefit you in the future. Yet, I have always faced the two competition seriously, and spent so much time and effort into it. Because of it, I may have had more tough times than a lot of the other teams participating in the two competitions. Working so hard on a robot but failing a competition, traveling to a world competition and then having to participate in a different regional competition just days after, and always going against intense time pressure. These are only a very small part of the stressfulness of robotics I faced. Perhaps around 90% of my time working on robotics was stressful and tough. However, that seriousness and effort I put in, must have been the reason to why I was able to get the “results” I wanted; the reason why I now have countless connections with friends all over the world; and the reason why I can confidently say the days I worked on robotics were the best days. 

I talked a lot about myself, but it is certain that these results for the past 6 years was not something that I was able to build with my own power. I have to say a big thank you to the people who always run the competitions and my friends and family who's supported me constantly. The more I reflect back on the events in the past 6 years, the more I remember times when a conversation with someone actually changed the outcome of a competition largely. Even within them, I have to specially thank Koki, who’s always been a great teammate and a friend to me; Coach Nunoshiba, who raised me and taught me from knowing absolutely nothing until what I am today; and my parents, who gave me the time, environment, and support for me to work on my robotics constantly. 

Although, the the whole text seems to be indicating some kind of end, I see it only as the beginning. Even talking about WRO and RCJ, it’s not going to be the end. I’m going to be helping out competitions and teaching younger students on robotics. From what I experienced so far, 2016 will be a great turning point for me. And I will continue to proceed through to achieve my goals.